
Sakura Park – Nature in the heart of city

Walking on the sidewalk under the shade of trees with fresh wind or seating on the riverside  to look the peaceful scenery with light color flowers, chirping birdsongs…that make the specific characteristics of Sakura Park.

Harmony with nature

With the area  of 1.2 ha, the 600m long Sakura Park along Ca Cam River belongs to Midtown Complex – Phu My Hung. Inspired by Japanese Cherry blossom, the Architects researched then chose Singapore Peach blossom that have the same colors with Japanese ones to be adapted to soils and climates here.

50% area of Park is covered by flowering plants with pink colors from hundreds of Singapore Peach blossom, Gliricidia maculata, Cassia javanica, climbing roses; with fresh green colors from the shade of Cow Tamarind, willows; with yellow and red colors from Gladiola, Flower of fortune, common Lantana; with pure white colors  from Porcelain flowers, Wrightia antidysenterica trees,… All create the nature painting with bright colors all year-round. The Park also installed the lighting system with the color effect along sidewalk, flowerpots to serve for residents’ activities at night.

Singapore peach blossom creates the soft pink color decorating for the Complex
Plants and flowers are planted from low to high to maintain the vivid colors for the park
River bank is still kept his available natural feature. Some motoboats appear memorizing the image of countryside river in the heart of city
Sidewalks inside park to help residents walking, doing excercises, playing sports under the shade of trees
Seats next to riverbank, under the shade of trees, to let residents relaxing, diving into the nature

Enjoying the convenience in the nature

Combining with the green space, Sakura Park is designed with amusement areas to serve for the entertainment needs of PMH residents and residents outside. The utility areas include Playground for children from 1 – 13 years old, water music square and Sport complex area. Ms. Lan Anh, Midtown’s resident with more than 1 year, talk:” My daughter wants to go to Park every afternoon. While she is playing, I am reading in this relaxed airy space. She is always curious about the names of flowers and trees in Park, then both of us have the chance to learn and I teach her many things in nature”.

Playground for children occupied nearly 1/3 area of Park. There are Playground for childred form 1-3 years old and 2 playgrounds for children from 4 -13 years old
Slide, seesaw equipments… help children enjoying, developing their physical and mental strength
The unique combination between light – water – music from Water-music Square that locates between The Symphony and The Signature
Sport area located in the Peak appartments. This is the sport complex area with common sports and resting area for residents.
Seats on riverbank have the inspiration from the image of soft peach petal

Sakura Park has the opened design to serve for PMH community and neighborhood. This is not only the public area with multipurpose useful performance but also the natural landscape bringing the high quality “green living” space for residents here.

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